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Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery

Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery
作者:Sick, Henri


Anatomically correct We owe a great debt to Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery (1797?1849) for his Atlas of Anatomy, which was not only a massive event in medical history, but also remains one of the most comprehensive and beautifully illustrated anatomical treatises ever published in any language. In 1830, having received his doctorate in medicine three years prior, Bourgery began work on his magnificent atlas in cooperation with illustrator Nicolas Henri Jacob (1782?1871), a student of the French painter Jacques Louis David. The first volumes were published the following year, but completion of the treatise required nearly two decades of dedication; Bourgery lived just long enough to finish his labor of love, but the last of the treatise's eight volumes was not published in its entirety until five years after his death. The four parts of Bourgery's treatise cover descriptive anatomy, surgical anatomy and techniques (exploring in detail nearly all the major operations that were performed during the first half of the 19th century), general anatomy and embryology, and microscopic anatomy. Jacob's spectacular hand-colored, life-size lithographs are remarkable for their clarity, color, and aesthetic appeal, reflecting a combination of direct laboratory observation and illustrative research; the images are to this day unsurpassed in anatomical illustration. This reprint includes the complete color plates?726 in total?and will finally allow not only those in the medical field but also artists, students, and anyone interested in the study of the human body to appreciate this important historical work.







“为了完成这部不朽之作,布尔热里付出了 常人难以想象的努力,他身兼数职,撰写文本、 整合资料、对细节精益求精。整个创作过程都 按照最初的计划有条不紊地进行着。这部历经 20年著成的杰作彰显出布尔热里与众不同的 性格品质,他坚守着对这份事业的信念,对目 标矢志不渝,力求创作内容科学详实、概念准 确无误、画作精益求精。”


