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C++ Crash Course

C++ Crash Course
作者:Joshua Lospinoso


C++ Crash Course cuts through the weeds to get you straight to the core of C++17, the most modern revision of the ISO standard. In Part I, you'll learn about all of the essential core language features. Part II introduces you to the C++ Standard Library and Boost Libraries, where you'll learn about high-quality, fully-featured facilities immediately available to you.

You'll learn all the major features of modern C++, including:

- Fundamental types, reference types, and user-defined types

- The object lifecycle including storage duration, memory management, exceptions, call stacks, and the RAII (resource acquisition is initialization) paradigm

- Compile-time polymorphism with templates and run-time polymorphism with virtual classes

- Advanced expressions, statements, and functions

- Smart pointers, data structures, dates and times, numerics, and probability/statistics facilities

- Containers, iterators, strings, and algorithms

- Streams and files, concurrency, networking, and application development



Joshua Lospinoso, PhD is an entrepreneur who served 15 years in the US Army. As a cyber officer, Josh wrote dozens of infosec tools and taught C++ to junior developers. He has spoken at a wide range of conferences, published over twenty peer-reviewed articles, and holds a patent. In 2012, he co-founded a successfully acquired security company and is a Rhodes Scholar. He keeps a blog and is an active contributor to open-source software.



Part I: The C++ Core Language

Chapter 1: Up and Running (AVAILABLE NOW!)

Chapter 2: Types (AVAILABLE NOW!)

Chapter 3: Reference Types (AVAILABLE NOW!)

Chapter 4: The Object Life Cycle (AVAILABLE NOW!)

Chapter 5: Compile-Time Polymorphism (AVAILABLE NOW!)

Chapter 6: Run-Time Polymorphism (AVAILABLE NOW!)

Chapter 7: Expressions (AVAILABLE NOW!)

Chapter 8: Statements (AVAILABLE NOW!)

Chapter 9: Functions (AVAILABLE NOW!)

Part II: C++ Libraries and Frameworks

Chapter 10: Testing

Chapter 11: Smart Pointers

Chapter 12: Utilities

Chapter 13: Containers

Chapter 14: Iterators

Chapter 15: Strings

Chapter 16: Streams

Chapter 17: Filesystems

Chapter 18: Algorithms

Chapter 19: Concurrency and Parallelism

Chapter 20: Network Programming with Boost Asio

Chapter 21: Writing Applications




