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The Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw
作者:Henry James
副标题:Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism
出版社:W. W. Norton & Co.



The Turn of the Screw remains one of Henry James's most remarkable narratives, one whose popularity when it was published is matched by its power to stir readers today. It is one of James's most teachable texts, an indispensable reference point for such critical concerns as point of view and unreliable narration. As such, it is an invaluable introduction to the intricacies of James's style and technique in the novels of the "major phase." This revised Norton Critical Edition of The Turn of the Screw is again based on the authoritative New York Edition text, with history and notes. "Contexts" includes twenty-six selections from James's letters, notebooks, and other writings centering on "my little book," the ghost story, and the supernatural. Four Charles Demuth paintings, inspired by James's text, are included. Since The Turn of the Screw has been a focal text in recent theoretical considerations of James and of the narrative generally, "Criticism" has been thoroughly updated to include seventeen new assessments, along with twelve earlier seminal essays. A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included. About the Series : Each Norton Critical Edition includes an authoritative text, contextual and source materials, and a wide range of interpretations-from contemporary perspectives to the most current critical theory-as well as a bibliography and, in most cases, a chronology of the author's life and work.



亨利•詹姆斯(Henry James,1843-1916),著名小说家、文艺评论家,心理分析小说的开创者。詹姆斯偏爱“国际小说”的题材,尤其擅长描写清白、丰富、民主的美国与古老、腐朽、堕落的欧洲之间的矛盾。他对人物的内心世界的刻画使他成为20世纪意识流运动的先驱。亨利•詹姆斯的创作生涯无疑是美国文学史上最长、最多产、最有影响的,他是19世纪至20世纪最伟大的散文作家与文体家之一,也被公认为运用小说艺术最巧妙的大师。





我可以告诉诸位,那个故事讲的,就是在像我们聚会的这样一所旧宅里,闹上鬼了一一一个面目狰狞的厉鬼,向正在房里和妈妈一起睡觉的小男孩显了形。孩子心惊胆战之下把他妈妈也弄醒了,鬼把孩子妈妈弄醒可不是为了让她给孩子壮胆,哄他重新入睡,而是要她本人也见识见识方才让小孩丧魂落魄的场面。 (2020果麦版)


