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Making Up the Mind

Making Up the Mind
作者:[英] Chris Frith
副标题:How the Brain Creates Our Mental World


Inside your head there is an amazing labor saving device; more effective than the latest high-tech computer. Your brain frees you from the everyday tasks of moving about in the world around you, allowing you to concentrate on the things that are important to you; making friends and influencing people. However, the 'you' that is released into this social world is also a construction of your brain. It is your brain that enables you to share your mental life with the people around you.

Making Up the Mind is the first accessible account of experimental studies showing how the brain creates our mental world. Using evidence from brain imaging, psychological experiments, and patient studies, Chris Frith, one of the world's leading neuroscientists, explores the relationship between the mind and the brain.



From Wikipedia:

Professor Chris Frith FRS, FBA (born March 16, 1942, United Kingdom - ) is an Emeritus Professor at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at University College London and a Niels Bohr Visiting Professor at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. His primary interest is in the applications of functional brain imaging to the study of higher cognitive functions in humans, although he is also well known for his earlier seminal work characterising the cognitive basis of schizophrenia.

With over 400 publications, Frith is one of the ISI Highly Cited authors in Neuroscience. His H-index is 117. He is author of a number of important neuroscience books, including the classic The Cognitive Neuropsychology of Schizophrenia (1992) and the popular science book Making up the Mind (2007) which achieved the long list for the Royal Society Science Book Award in 2008. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society, the British Academy and of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In 2009 ha was awarded the Fyssen Foundation Prize for his work on neuropsychology [1] and he and Uta Frith were awarded the European Latsis Prize for their work linking the human mind and the human brain] [2].

Chris is the brother of Fred Frith, the guitarist, and Simon Frith, the musicologist. He is also the husband of Uta Frith, a leading developmental psychologist.

Since 2005, Chris has been on the editorial board of Biology Letters, dealing with papers in the category, Neurobiology.






  ……在我们还没有获得任何有关他人的信息之前,就对他们进行猜测,这是对人们的过早判断,是偏见。在当下,偏见可能是一个贬义词,但是事实上,它对于我们脑的功能来说是至关重要的。[1]偏见鼓励我们去开始我们的猜测——猜测结果的精确度有多高这并不重要,只要我们能根据错误的反应调整下一步的猜测。   我们天生有偏见的倾向。我们所有的社会互动以偏见开始。


