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Thinking Like an Anthropologist

Thinking Like an Anthropologist
作者:John Omohundro
副标题:A Practical Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
出版社:McGraw-Hill Education


This exciting new text teases out the common core of the cultural anthropological way of thinking, makes it explicit in a set of eleven questions, and uses those questions to enhance learning. Each question receives treatment in a brief chapter, accompanied by several exercises and classroom demonstrations. The textbook is intended to be accompanied by - and applied to - a reader, a few ethnographies, or a monograph with topical focus such as language, globalization, technology, art, or gender. The eleven questions that organize the text can be applied singly and cumulatively to address the cultures presented in the ethnographies or case studies chosen by each instructor. A comprehensive guide written by John Omohundro assists instructors who adopt this novel approach and suggests numerous examples of ethnographies and readers that would be effective companions for the text.



约翰•奥莫亨德罗(John Omohundro),纽约州立大学波茨坦分校人类学系杰出教学教授。从事文化人类学导论课程教学32年。主要研究领域为族群关系、社会网络、灾难影响、环境人类学。代表作《人类学入门:像人类学家一样思考》,此外还著有《人类学的事业》等。




1, What is Culture?

(The Conceptual Question)

2, How Do I Learn About Culture?

(The Naturalistic Question)

3, What is the Context for This Practice or Idea?

(The Holistic Question)

4, Do Other Societies Do Something Like This?

(The Comparative Question)

5, What Was This Idea or Practice Like in the Past?

(The Temporal Question)

6, How are Human Biology, Culture, and Environment Interactig?

(The Bio-Cultural Question)

7, What Are the Groups and Relationships?

(The Social-Structural Question)

8, What Does That Mean?

(The Interpretive Question)

9, What is My Perspective?

(The Reflexive Question)

10, Am I Judging This?

(The Relativistic Question)

11, What Do the People Say?

(The Dialogic Question)




