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Harley Hahn's Guide to Unix and Linux

Harley Hahn's Guide to Unix and Linux
作者:Harley Hahn
出版社:McGraw-Hill Education


"Harley Hahn's Guide to Unix and Linux" is a modern, comprehensive text for anyone who wants to learn how to use Unix or Linux. This book is suitable as a primary or secondary textbook for classroom use, as well as for readers who want to teach themselves. The text covers all the basic concepts and tools Unix/Linux users need to master: Unix vs Linux, GUIs, the command line interface, the online manual, syntax, the shell, standard I/O and redirection, pipes and filters, vi, the Unix file system, and job control.Hahn offers a thoroughly readable approach to teaching Unix and Linux by emphasizing core ideas and carefully explaining unfamiliar terminology. This book walks readers through Unix and Linux systems from the very beginning, assuming no prior knowledge, and laying out material in a logical, straightforward manner. An experienced author, Hahn writes in a clear, engaging, and student-friendly style, resulting in a text that is both easy and entertaining to read. Motivating pedagogy, such as 'What's in a Name?' boxes and highlighted Hints provide readers with interesting background and helpful tips.



Harley Hahn是一名多才多艺的作家和计算机专家,他总共撰著了32本书,总销量超过了两百万册.其中,Harley Hahn's Internet Yellow Pages一书是业界第一本销量超过一百万册的有关Internet的书.另外,他的Hafiey Hahn'S Internet Insecurity和Harley Hahn's Internet Advisor还获得过普利策奖的提名.





人们可能想知道:假如 Ettrich 的女朋友没有那么漂亮并且还有点书呆子,那么开发一个真正的桌面环境还需要等多长时间呢?既然 KDE 的到来对 Linux 在全世界的流行有着极其深刻的影响,那么是不是不用争论,应该有更多的社会资源致力于鼓励漂亮的女人和程序员约会呢?

在结束本节内容之前,我希望指出一个很少有人注意到的奇怪事情。在几乎都有的Unix系统上,登陆程序都显示 login: (第一个字母是小写的"l") 和 Password: (第一个字母是大写的"P") 。没有人知道为什么。


