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Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen
作者:Kristin Knox
副标题:Genius of a Generation
出版社:A&C Black


Packed with breathtaking photographs, this tribute to Alexander McQueen (1969-2010) celebrates the incredible creations of an iconic, imaginative, and inspirational fashion designer whose work turned heads and hearts all over the world. He was a major fashion figure, famous throughout the world, especially the US (where he is a celebrity-favourite with clients including Sarah Jessica Parker, Penelope Cruz and Nicole Kidman) and Japan. McQueen's dramatic designs, also been worn by celebrities including Bjork, Lady Gaga and Rihanna, met with critical acclaim and earned him the British Designer of the Year award four times. This book is a must-have for fashion lovers everywhere.



Kristin Knox is a successful international fashion blogger and journalist with a masters degree in Classical Literature from the University of Oxford. She attends all the international Fashion Weeks on behalf of her blog, theclotheswhisperer.co.uk, and has also reported back for a variety of publications including the FT Weekend, GLAM UK, and Fashion Confidential. Beyond editorial, this New Yorker turned Londoner works as online social and media consultant for various prestigious international brands and is currently amassing an impressive portfolio of runway photography. She also worked briefly as a stylist at Vogue Russia and UK Glamour as well as an events photographer for Vice Magazine.





“我喜欢把自己想象成一个拿着手术刀的整形外科医生。” “对我来说,人的蜕变有点像是做了整形手术,但变化没那么剧烈。我试着用我的衣服实现同样的效果。但最后,我改变的更多的是心态而不是身体。我就像科学家一样,通过发掘当下的热点,预见未来的趋势,不断尝试和变革时尚风格。”

“我希望赋予女性力量。我希望人们会畏惧穿着我设计的衣服的女性。” “当你看到一个穿着麦昆的女人时,这衣服所带有的冷酷气质会让她看起来充满力量。这种气质有点会让旁人退避三舍。” “这几乎就像是给女人穿上盔甲。这样的打扮与人类的心理有着密切的联系。”


