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Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense

Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths, and Total Nonsense
作者:Jeffrey Pfeffer / Robert I. Sutton
副标题:Profiting from Evidence-based Management
出版社:Harvard Business Review Press


The best organizations have the best talent. . . Financial incentives drive company performance. . . Firms must change or die. Popular axioms like these drive business decisions every day. Yet too much common management "wisdom" isn’t wise at all—but, instead, flawed knowledge based on "best practices" that are actually poor, incomplete, or outright obsolete. Worse, legions of managers use this dubious knowledge to make decisions that are hazardous to organizational health. Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert I. Sutton show how companies can bolster performance and trump the competition through evidence-based management, an approach to decision-making and action that is driven by hard facts rather than half-truths or hype. This book guides managers in using this approach to dismantle six widely held—but ultimately flawed—management beliefs in core areas including leadership, strategy, change, talent, financial incentives, and work-life balance. The authors show managers how to find and apply the best practices for their companies, rather than blindly copy what seems to have worked elsewhere. This practical and candid book challenges leaders to commit to evidence-based management as a way of organizational life – and shows how to finally turn this common sense into common practice.



杰弗瑞•菲佛(Jeffrey Pfeffer)

斯坦福大学商学研究院组织行为学教授,执教于1979年。他于卡内基大学取得自己的学士和硕士学位,在斯坦福拿到了自己的商学博士学位。菲佛曾在伊利诺斯州立大学、加利福尼亚州立大学伯克利分校当过教员,在哈佛商学院做过访问学者。他在全世界27个国家讲授过高级主管培训班。他担任过Aubidble Magic, Unicru和SonoSite公司的董事,亦是多家学术刊物编辑委员会的成员。他在《商业2.0》月刊上开有专栏,与人合作撰写了11本书,还发表过100多篇文章。

罗伯特•萨顿(Rober I.Sutton)

斯坦福大学工程学院管理科学与工程教授,是工作、技术和组织中心的副主任,斯坦福哈索•普拉特纳设计协会的共同创办人。他在密歇根大学获组织心理学博士学位,于1983年开始在斯坦福执教。他曾获《管理学刊》(Academy of Management journal)的最佳论文奖,尤金•L•格兰特最佳教学奖、莫克勒夫学术奖座,发表文章两度成为《哈佛商业评论》选出的“突破性观念”,本人亦入选《商业2.0》评选的当代顶尖商学“大师”。他是多家学术刊物的编辑和编辑委员会,发表过100多篇文章。他参与撰写了《知行差距》,独力撰写的《行得通的怪点子》入选《哈佛商业评论》年度十佳商业书。





... wisdom is about “knowing what you know and knowing what you don't know.”



